One ordinary day, as everyone at Maudcare was busy going about their usual tasks, something extraordinary happened. Without any warning, a swarm of stray bees decided that the Maudcare kitchen walls would be the perfect spot to settle in. And just like that, hundreds of bees started buzzing around, creating quite the stir!
At first, there was a bit of panic, as you can imagine. Bees are important, yes, but their sudden appearance in a busy kitchen caused more than a little commotion. However, we were about to be saved by an unexpected hero—someone with a very special skill set.

One of our participants’ uncles just so happens to be a skilled beekeeper, and the moment he heard of our buzzing dilemma, he rushed to our aid. Enter Sam—the man of the hour. Suiting up in full bee-keeping attire, he was ready to take on the challenge and ensure the bees were relocated safely.
With a calm and collected approach, Sam got to work, gently coaxing the bees into a hive. To everyone’s amazement, we soon had our very own bee colony right here at Maudcare! The queen bee settled in, and the swarm followed suit, taking up residence in their new home.
Over the next few weeks, we watched in awe as the bees went about their business, creating honeycomb in their new hive. The sight of those busy little workers was mesmerizing. Soon enough, Maudcare had its very own supply of fresh honeycomb—produced by the bees we never thought we’d host.
As time went on, the rain came and went, and so did the bees. Sam, ever the vigilant bee keeper, noticed that the once-thriving hive was starting to quiet down. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the queen bee had left. The hive, as busy and productive as it had been, was now empty.

Though our time with the bees was brief, it was certainly unforgettable. It’s not every day you get to watch a bee colony thrive, produce honeycomb, and leave behind a sweet memory of nature’s wonders. Thanks to Sam’s expertise, the bees had a safe home at Maudcare, and we all had the unique experience of witnessing the bees in action.
Sam worked his magic, and before we knew it, a new queen bee had arrived, and our hive was buzzing with life once again.
Now, our new bees are living it up in the Zen garden at Maudcare, enjoying a peaceful, flourishing space where they can continue their important work.
Bee Fun Facts:
- The Queen Bee is the only fertile bee in the colony and can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day! Talk about a busy mom.
- There are over 20,000 species of bees in the world! Each one plays a unique role in pollination and our environment.
- Bees have hairy eyes! These little fuzzballs use the hairs around their eyes to help them collect pollen and detect wind direction—nature’s true multitaskers!
- Bees can “talk” with vibrations—they communicate with each other by making vibrations through the hive, sharing important information like the location of food sources.
Isn’t it amazing to think about all the hidden wonders of the bee world? We can’t wait to see what other surprises nature has in store for us here at Maudcare!