Adventure Program

Cartoon white and yellow squiggles
The Adventure Program at Maudcare offers participants an opportunity to access the wilderness and community, embracing the role of an adventurer to explore the land. This session provides insights into the natural world, allowing participants to learn about wildlife and interact with nature in a fun and safe way.
NDIS participant fishing on beach

Through various activities, participants explore different environments, gaining practical knowledge about their surroundings. This hands-on approach nurtures a connection with nature, enriching participants’ understanding of the land and its ecosystems. The session not only promotes exploration and discovery but also encourages a sense of adventure, supporting participants in engaging with the world around them in meaningful ways.

What to expect

  • Accessing the community, beaches and/or parks and nature reserves.
  • Hiking, walking and fitness activities involved.
  • Learning about the wildlife, flora and fauna and the land we reside.
  • Mindfulness in nature.
  • Enjoying nature parks or adventure activities.
  • Survival skills and treasure hunts.
  • Sensory needs in nature.

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