Volunteering / Work skills

The Volunteering / Work Skills sessions at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to investigate local companies and businesses, exploring their interests in the world of work. This session provides valuable insights into various aspects of employment, fostering confidence and skills necessary for the job market.
Music and Dance

The Music and Dance programs at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to express themselves through dancing, singing, and music. This session provides an engaging way to explore various forms of musical expression, nurturing self-expression and creativity.
Community Access & Travel

We offer participants an opportunity to explore the community, visiting small businesses and conducting activities through the use of public transport. This session provides valuable insights into navigating the world outside, fostering safety, money skills, and confidence when traveling on PTV.
Adventure Program

The Adventure Program at Maudcare offers participants an opportunity to access the wilderness and community, embracing the role of an adventurer to explore the land. This session provides insights into the natural world, allowing participants to learn about wildlife and interact with nature in a fun and safe way.
Living Skills

Our Living Skills program at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to develop practical skills through accountability and an appreciation of healthy spaces. This session provides insights into personal care and grooming, promoting a sense of wellbeing within the home environment.
Literacy and Creative Writing

The Literacy and Creative Writing sessions at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to stimulate their imaginations and convey ideas and characters on paper. This session provides valuable insights into grammar and writing skills, helping creativity and collaboration.
Photography and Multimedia

Our Photography and Multimedia sessions at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to understand multimedia and technology through a creative lens. This session provides an engaging way to explore the surrounding environment through pictures, videos, collages, and films.

Cooking sessions at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to understand the art of cooking in a healthy and enjoyable way. This session provides valuable insights into preparing nutritious meals, connecting produce from the garden into dishes in the kitchen.
Health and Fitness

The Health and Fitness sessions at Maudcare offer participants an opportunity to explore the importance of an active lifestyle. This session provides valuable insights into diet and movement, taking a holistic approach to health in a fun and interactive setting.
Expressive Art and Creativity

The Expressive Art and Creativity session at Maudcare offers participants an opportunity to explore their minds and imaginations through various arts and crafts activities. This session provides a creative outlet for transferring thoughts, feelings, and ideas into tangible forms.