Community Access & Travel

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We offer participants an opportunity to explore the community, visiting small businesses and conducting activities through the use of public transport. This session provides valuable insights into navigating the world outside, fostering safety, money skills, and confidence when traveling on PTV.
Two people in a car

Participants learn to manage their journeys, developing skills for handling public transport and interacting with local businesses. This hands-on approach nurtures practical knowledge, helping participants gain independence and confidence while navigating the community.

The session not only supports travel skills but also encourages engagement with local businesses, enriching participants’ connection to their community and promoting an independent lifestyle.

What to expect

  • Topping up Myki as well as using buses and train services.
  • Gaining confidence with traveling on public transport and interacting with people outside the centre.
  • Accessing what the community has to offer, activities, movies, cafes and community inclusion.
  • Money skills and handling .
  • Safety training within the community.
  • participants learn to plan and navigate trips.

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